Friday, September 11, 2015

Sermon for Sept. 13!

Word Power –
Being a Christian is a two-step process. The first step is to recognize that God finds us acceptable. The time that we in the United Methodist Church celebrate the good news of God unconditional grace, God’s acceptance of us for what we are, and God’s forgiveness for our flaws, is at our baptism.  But, that is only the first step. The second step is claiming that assurance for ourselves.

...each believer must respond to God’s grace and stop focusing on himself or herself and trying to seek out his or her own happiness, and instead begin to concentrate more on loving and caring for others. This is the secret ingredient to abundant living. This is the key to the Christian faith. This is what it means to be a follower of Christ. This is what is meant by the words “born again.” And this is what it means, in this passage from Mark, to take up the cross.

Jesus gets the conversation going by asking his disciples what everybody is saying about him. The disciples answer him in terms of popular beliefs, "Oh, Jesus, you know, some are comparing you to John the Baptist, or maybe Elijah, or some other prophet." "Well, what about you guys. You know me by now. What do you think? What are you saying about me? Who do you tell people that I am?"

And Peter, the one who was always looking for proof, always trying to find a way to know for sure, comes to a crossroad point in his faith journey. It is he who speaks for all of them...

.... finally truly believing deep within the most secret inner places of his soul, that Jesus is of God. He says, "You are the Messiah."

And it is then that Jesus begins to explain what kind of Messiah he is. Jesus tells them that he not going to be the popular hero. He is not going the lead their country to power or military success. They aren’t all going to become rich or famous. Jesus is not going to give them what they think they need to be happy....

. The way to fulfillment is not by saving your own life, but by saving the lives of your neighbors. I will suffer and be rejected by the world, and if you want to follow me, you've got to do the s. The way to fulfillment is not by saving your own life, but by saving the lives of your neighbors. I will suffer and be rejected by the world, and if you want to follow me, you've got to do the same.  You've got to quit thinking about what will make you happy....,
You've got to get your self out the way..., You've got to deny your self and follow me.

The reason I continue to be a part of the church, even with all its flaws, is because it is where this idea of following Christ is taught and perpetuated. I believe I need to surround myself with other people who proclaim Jesus as their Messiah because I have learned that the more I focus on him—learning his ways and trying to think like him, act like him, be like him—and the less I focus on myself...
We are not our own; therefore neither our reason nor our will should predominate in our deliberations and actions. We are not on our own; therefore let us not propose it as our end, to seek what may be expedient for us according to the flesh. We are not our own; therefore let us, as far as possible, forget ourselves and all things that are ours.

Our self-help culture tells us that the way to be happy is to love ourselves and focus on doing what we most want. But the church tells us that the way to be happy is to deny ourselves and take up the cross.

.... , at the core of the church is always Jesus:
Jesus, whose teachings and actions flew in the face of popular culture.
Jesus, who issued a radical call.
Jesus, who has led us on a journey that leads to true joy.

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